Note: The resources provided here are under Creative Commons License (CC BY).
Winter School Rencontre Exobiologiques RED’22
Lecture: Space missions for Detection & characterisation of exoplanets.
This is an introductory course to extrasolar planets. It presents the history, the detection techniques, the principles involves in the observation of atmospheres as well as the main observatories.
Link to the Lecture
Conference Exosystemes II
This material was produced as part of a 2h practical tutorial on Atmospheric retrieval with TauREX. It presents an introduction to atmospheric retrieval techniques and presents the basic functionalities of TauREx.
Summer School ARES 2021
Organisation and Teaching of the ARES Summer School 2021. This school addressed the central question of modelling accuracy in the context of atmospheric retrievals for exoplanets. As spectroscopic observations are improving from simple composition retrieval towards inference of more accurate atmospheric structures, one-dimensional models in chemistry, clouds, or 2D models in global circulation may reach their limits. We explored the biases of simplifying assumptions on retrievals for next-generation observatories (JWST and Ariel).
L2 Atmospheric structure lecture
High School ORBYTs program: An introduction to exoplanetary sciences
As part of the BSSL independant low cost space telescope initiative Twinkle, I participated in their education program by providing introductory lectures on exoplanets to high scool students. Lectures cover the solar system, detection methods, telescopes, atmospheres and interiors.